Real Men
United Artists / Martin Bregman Productions : CBS/Fox
10 / 10

I loved this when it was released and I still love it today. This is an intelligently witty and wacky romp in The Twilight Zone. Every style of comedy is catered for from wordplay to slapstick; satire to sarcasm.
The main storyline is that aliens exist and we have been talking to them for awhile. They are willing to save our planet from certain destruction or we can have a big gun! So, of course, our hero's CIA Agent Nick Pirandello, played super-coolly by James Belushi, and everyday-Joe Bob Wilson, played brilliantly by John Ritter, who's a look-a-like for a dead agent, set off across America to make the deal. All the ET's want in return is a glass of water.
Along the way, Nick and Bob have to deal with quite a few obstacles, such as the Russians and the CIA Clown Squad. It also turns out to be a spiritual trip for the pair as Nick gets in touch with his feminine side while Bob builds his self-confidence and becomes a stronger person.
Even though the Dream Quest Images carried out the special effects the only really good effect is the space pen. Which isn't actually a hindrance as it's the comedy that makes this film.
One scene that's stayed with me is the cigarette after sex sketch where Nick and the Russian Agent come out of the back room smoking.
Nick says, "I'm really trying to give up smoking... I only smoke after sex"
Bob, "That's not too bad."
Nick, "Well... I'm down to twenty a day!"
Also, the scene where Bob meets Nick's family had me rolling around in bouts of laughter.
I would recommend this to lovers of comedy. This is one of my favourite films and I will be watching it a lot more in the future as it always brings a smile to my face and a laugh to my voice.
The main storyline is that aliens exist and we have been talking to them for awhile. They are willing to save our planet from certain destruction or we can have a big gun! So, of course, our hero's CIA Agent Nick Pirandello, played super-coolly by James Belushi, and everyday-Joe Bob Wilson, played brilliantly by John Ritter, who's a look-a-like for a dead agent, set off across America to make the deal. All the ET's want in return is a glass of water.
Along the way, Nick and Bob have to deal with quite a few obstacles, such as the Russians and the CIA Clown Squad. It also turns out to be a spiritual trip for the pair as Nick gets in touch with his feminine side while Bob builds his self-confidence and becomes a stronger person.
Even though the Dream Quest Images carried out the special effects the only really good effect is the space pen. Which isn't actually a hindrance as it's the comedy that makes this film.
One scene that's stayed with me is the cigarette after sex sketch where Nick and the Russian Agent come out of the back room smoking.
Nick says, "I'm really trying to give up smoking... I only smoke after sex"
Bob, "That's not too bad."
Nick, "Well... I'm down to twenty a day!"
Also, the scene where Bob meets Nick's family had me rolling around in bouts of laughter.
I would recommend this to lovers of comedy. This is one of my favourite films and I will be watching it a lot more in the future as it always brings a smile to my face and a laugh to my voice.