The Other Guys (2010)
Columbia Pictures
3.5 / 10

Will Ferrell is like Marmite, you either like him or you don't; I am of the latter persuasion, though I am guilty of enjoying Blades of Fury.
This film just didn't do anything for me, either as a comedy, thriller, or buddy-buddy action movie. Most of the better scenes were absent of Mr Ferrell. For me, the best parts of the movie was the ingenious opening sequence that created a fantastic satirical parody of every action movie filmed.
The other laugh-out-loud scene was when Will Ferrell's character, Allen Gamble, introduces his partner, Terry Hoitz (played well by Mark Wahlberg) to his wife Dr Sheila Gamble (nicely acted by Eva Mendes). This is a well thought out and well written bit of comedy, shame Will Ferrell was in it, his over-acting very nearly spoiled the piece.
If it wasn't for Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Samual L Jackson, and Mark Wahlberg this would not be as good a Will Ferrell vehicle as it isn't.
If Mr Ferrell makes you laugh and puts a smile on your face then this movie is for you. Otherwise, just search for the two scenes I've rated and you'll have seen the best parts of the film.
Or watch the clips below - Enjoy.
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