Sex Tape (2014)
Escape Artists / Sony Pictures Entertainment : Columbia Pictures / Warner Brothers / Walt Disney Studios.
6 / 10

Married with children, booking slots so you can have personal time with your significant other, only for something to happen to ruin the mood. If this sounds like you then you will probably enjoy this bawdy comedy.
Our ordinary couple Annie and Jay finally get some time to themselves, as Mrs C would say, " get Frisky!" Only trouble is they just can't perform as neither of their hearts are in it and they're not in the mood. Then they have the wonderful idea of making a "Sex Tape" using their iPad. With the thought of this little bit of kinkiness, the clothes come off and the evenings fun begins. For four hours straight they act out all the Joy of Sex positions.
The next day, feeling less stressed and considerably happy Jay learns that the tape has been sent to all his business clientele, for whom he'd given iPads that were synced to his own. He'd even given the postman one for Christmas and it was his e-mail saying how much he'd enjoyed the video that drops the penny in Jay's skull.
From here on in it's a race to delete all the movies before people can see them, especially Annie's new boss Hank, played by Rob Lowe.
American comedy has a potential to be immature and puerile when it comes to sex, staying in the realms of "toilet" humour. However, this film is a couple of notches above that and, at times, is quite funny with an adult resolve. The cast do an excellent job, especially Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel in the lead roles.
It's the story and direction which let the story down, though. There's not enough laughs in the main body of the film to really carry it and it could have done with some more twists and turns. Strange thing is, the funniest part of the film, which had me laughing my arse off, was at the end of the movie. It's the sex scene's from the "Sex Tape" Annie and Jay make. Why the director decided to put them at the end of the movie is a quandary as, had they been in the scene where they make the video, it would've added some much-needed laughter at the correct point in the film. This is a major fail in a comedy film. However, they didn't make the cutting room floor, and they really did make me howl, so I upped the score of the film.
This is a fun film to watch with your loved one, especially if you're middle-aged and can relate to the situation.
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